Would you come back to
I would like to hear what other Venezuelans have to say about it. So if you are another Venezuelan living in the USA just leave a message and we can talk about coming back home.
Would you come back to
I would like to hear what other Venezuelans have to say about it. So if you are another Venezuelan living in the USA just leave a message and we can talk about coming back home.
When all immigrant come to
Many times we want to go back because this country is not the way we imagined it would be. For many of us we thought that every one will welcome you and help with whatever it is you need. We thought that this country was the paradise for good manner, beautiful and well educated people, because every American was in that way. I do not know why (may be I know why and I blame it on the false advertisement of the media) but we had the wrong idea, and many times because of that false image of America that we brought here from our countries of origin we do not want to fight the battles for survivor in America. Many of us go through depression and what people call cultural shock, but what else is left in our countries? In the case of
When I look back and feel lonely for the people that I miss and compare with what I have here, this gives me the courage to keep fighting to survive as another one of the millions of immigrants in
In my first post I mentioned that when I when back home after being here for three years some things where untouched, some few things were better, some other were real bad. I want to share with you today the things that were untouched.
The sense of humor of the Venezuelan people is one of the greatest that you can find. That definitely did not change, because even when we are going through the most difficult times we still can laugh of the bad things and joke about it, whoever can laugh of their sorrows, that person can deal better with the burdens of life.
Other thing that has not change is the people itself. Venezuelan had such a great heart to receive everyone and laugh with them, no racial issues, always looking for the newest thing and the coolest in every aspect of life, and that is something that not even Hugo Chavez can change.
For the last four and a half years I have been living in the